Rossianns' Retreat
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Friday, August 19, 2005
Gloria and Mick:: Ahhhhhhh what memories I love you guys wow do I
Wow what memories, God Glor, you where my first ever boss and I was only 13 yrs old turned 14 the following day, was the youngest to start in the Govt at that time, I started at the Main Roads Dept. .a lifetime ago and a life of good memories and a wonderful friendship. Man what memeories and fun times we have had in that multitude of years, I know you had a fab time traveling around Australia in that whopping big ute and van, thank God you got back safely the van is like a bloody big semi trailer.
God I wish I had a pic of Mic when you met him, I can still see him the first time I met him, it was so funny, what a classic, you remember. you were worlds apart and I mean world apart you and your micky, but he was your man and I love you both always stay safe my friends.

Sharons Aunty Uncle and cousins over here from America
Sharon Aunty and Uncle From America at Noosa for 3 weeks, Karen Georgies grandmother just arrived back from America last Sunday having spent 5 weeks with her sister, husband, and children, she had a ball and Georgie could not wait to see her to see what presents she got from America cheeky little pumpkin
Sharons uncle is the son of the Skipper, of Gilligans Island the television programme, he used to clean Elvis Presleys pool, when school was out, how about that.

Thursday, August 18, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Myself Kim and Suelen at the EKKA
Oh Hell I am not a puppy anymore, was I exhausted we were to go all day and catch as many events as we could but I lasted all of 4 1/2 hours the girls were not much better, utter exhaustion had set in,
I was talking to my Son after arriving home and he was saying his little one was still there with her mum and grandmother was having a ball and was staying for the firworks, and I know they would have, Hell where do they get the energy from.
Oh to be so young again, Hell the thought is tiring, but I know my baby had a ball she would make sure she did and she went with plenty of money to spend, she does love her money, so she would have had a ball, my little one.
I was just plain tired tired tired, Bought a back pack and nice comfortable shoes and never even got some shots of the fireworks oh well too bad.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
A Mother and her Son

Dear Roselyn,
Casey Sheehan was born May 29, 1979, the first born child of Cindy and Pat Sheehan. It was a long labor. Fifty-one days after Casey was born, our first child, Wade was born, also after a long labor. They started school the same year, played the same games, watched the same television shows, loved the same country. On April 4, 1996, three weeks after going to Washington as a winner in a national contest about what America meant to him, Wade died in an automobile accident. On April 4, 2004, eight years later to the day, Casey, who loved his country enough to wear its uniform, died in Iraq. Cindy and Pat's hearts broke, as had ours.
We teach our children right from wrong. We teach them compassion and honor. We teach them the dignity of each life. And then, sometimes, the lessons we taught are turned on their heads. Cindy Sheehan is asking a very simple thing of her government, and she and her family, and most particularly Casey, have paid a very dear price for the right to ask this.
Cindy wants Casey's death to have meant as much as his life - lived fully - might have meant. I know this, as does every mother who has ever stood where we stand. And the President says he knows enough, doesn't need to hear from Casey's mother, doesn't need to assure her that Casey's is not one small death in a long and seemingly never-ending drip of deaths, that there is a plan here that will bring our sons and daughters home. He doesn't need to hear from her, he says. He claims he understands how some people feel about the deaths in Iraq.
The President is wrong.
Whether you agree or disagree with every part, or any part, of what Cindy wants to say, you know it is better that the President hear different opinions, particularly from those with such a deep and personal interest in the decisions of our government. Today, another voice would be helpful. Cindy Sheehan can be that voice.
She has earned the right to be that voice.
Please join me in supporting Cindy's right to be heard.
I grew up in a military family. My father and my grandfather were career Navy pilots. I saw what it meant to live a life every single day when the possibility of an honorable death is always there, at the dinner table, on the playground, at the base school. Will someone's father not come home tonight? And I didn't just feel the possibility, I saw the real thing, and, believe me, it stays with you, it changes you.
I also saw, then and more recently as I campaigned across this country and spent time with courageous military mothers and wives, how little attention is paid to the needs and the voices of military families. It has to change. The sacrifices that our military men and women make assure us that we have the strongest military in the world, but the sacrifices that their families make are too often ignored. The President's cavalier dismissal of Cindy Sheehan is emblematic of a greater problem. This is a mother who raised her son to love his country enough to serve. This is a mother who lived the impossible life of a mother of a soldier serving in Iraq, unable to sleep when he sleeps, unable to sleep when he is on duty, unable to watch the television, unable to stop watching the television.
And when the worst does happen, when the world comes crashing down and she puts the boy she bore, the boy she taught, the boy she loved in the ground, what does that government say to her? It says we'll do the talking; we don't need to hear from you. If we are decent and compassionate, if we know the lessons we taught our children, or if, selfishly, all we want is the long line of the brave to protect us in the future, we should listen to the mothers now.
Listen to Cindy.
Join me so Cindy knows we believe she has earned the right to be heard. Elizabeth Edwards
Take Action: Click here to support Cindy Sheehan in her struggle to be heard.
This is very personal for me Peace be with you Indy and all who are there fighting

Greetings All
Sunday was the recon mission to Camp Casey...but because of the "shotsfired" incident, a couple who were with me did NOT want to staylong...however...
We are going back to the vigil on Wednesday come hell, high water or drunkrednecks firing shot guns! I will make certain there are cameras and freshbatteries...we'll bring bottled water and ice to share and I have written anadaptation of a recent piece "Memoriam" that I will be giving to Cindy personally and hopefully reading to the group. It is not a speech, but asthe name suggests, a memoriam in honor of Casey Sheehan and the 2000 or moreother brave souls sacrificed and the tens of thousands wounded and the asmany as 100,000 innocent Iraqis killed at the hands of the Resident EvilAdministration.
I will let you know how it goes and send photos...lucky them...they actuallyget to hear the Irreverent Reverend deliver a rousing sermon! LOL! (poorpeople)If you have any suggestions, would like to send a personal note to CindySheehan or would like to get your patriotic butt(s) down here...please do.If you send letters I will print them out and hand-deliver them to her.
Please make it from yourselves personally...or from your "Cell". Please include your city and state of origin so that Cindy can know how farreaching she continues to be in her efforts!Okay have a little more than 24 hours to be poets and patriots and citizens of the get writing!
Indy =]
Love you Indy please dont forget the pics for me, and send them all my love and thanks from Down Under, You will be carrying my banner for me and I know that you will do that for me. Thanks again and Peace be with you all
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Friday, August 12, 2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Nicole and Andreas house for students

I have been trying to talk them into fixing their house up for students, and finally got it through to them, they have finally renavated for the students, and they have come up oh so good, I think they are filled already and they have not even been advertised, looks as if I wll have some work ahead of me ohhhhhhhhh well that is what a mother is for I guess. A mothers work is never done.