This is very personal for me Peace be with you Indy and all who are there fighting

Greetings All
Sunday was the recon mission to Camp Casey...but because of the "shotsfired" incident, a couple who were with me did NOT want to staylong...however...
We are going back to the vigil on Wednesday come hell, high water or drunkrednecks firing shot guns! I will make certain there are cameras and freshbatteries...we'll bring bottled water and ice to share and I have written anadaptation of a recent piece "Memoriam" that I will be giving to Cindy personally and hopefully reading to the group. It is not a speech, but asthe name suggests, a memoriam in honor of Casey Sheehan and the 2000 or moreother brave souls sacrificed and the tens of thousands wounded and the asmany as 100,000 innocent Iraqis killed at the hands of the Resident EvilAdministration.
I will let you know how it goes and send photos...lucky them...they actuallyget to hear the Irreverent Reverend deliver a rousing sermon! LOL! (poorpeople)If you have any suggestions, would like to send a personal note to CindySheehan or would like to get your patriotic butt(s) down here...please do.If you send letters I will print them out and hand-deliver them to her.
Please make it from yourselves personally...or from your "Cell". Please include your city and state of origin so that Cindy can know how farreaching she continues to be in her efforts!Okay have a little more than 24 hours to be poets and patriots and citizens of the get writing!
Indy =]
Love you Indy please dont forget the pics for me, and send them all my love and thanks from Down Under, You will be carrying my banner for me and I know that you will do that for me. Thanks again and Peace be with you all
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