Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Photos taken with Jimmy and Jackie before they left for Sydney and New Zealand and back home to China.

Certainly we are definitely International, Michael Swiss German,
Monica and Fabio Brazilian, and Jimmy and Jackie Chinese, but we definitely had and excellent time getting to know each other, and Our Countries Cultures.

They climbed a Mountain, and went to the Sunshine Coast with friend, a fabulous time was had by all

Hey Guys we had a ball, it was great having you with us.

Michaels trip to Fraser Island

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Jimmy and Jackie leave tomorrow, it has only been a short visit, but I know that they have had a wonderful time,

Just as Monina, Fabio, Michael and Myself have. Long Conversations about all our cultures, and countries. Jimmy and Jackie are off to Sydney tomorrow morning for the day and then to New Zealand for 2 days and home to China, Jimmy is coming back to Sydney at the end of the year and will travel up to see me for a few days, he is going to learn how to cook, and cook me a big Chinese meal when he comes back, Hhhhmmmm that will be interesting I must say.

Monica and Fabio, leave also tomorrow, they are heading into the city to stay for as long as they can, they are hoping to have a couple of years here, so I would imagine that I will see them fairly often, the house will be empty, just Michael and myself for a few days at least, until the next tribe come along, which is not to long in coming. 5 days I think.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jimmy and Jackie are here for 2 weeks Spring Vacation from China

Jackie and Jimmy seeing the sights of Brisbane

The First Settlement At Redcliffe

Amity 1824 Sydney to Redcliffe

First convicts to land at Redcliffe

The first settlement at Redcliffe,

Memorial for the Women of World War 11 at Redcliffe

Galaxy on her Trip to Korea to see Kim.

Yes I have lots of new Students since you went home, it seems such a short time ago,Thanks for the pics Kim, I will wait for more from Galaxy, I hope you find a new flat, and are happy in your new job. Have a good time when you do go to Hong Kong and Tiawan, are you going to meet up with Sally in Tiawan, I will say Hello to Mum and Simba. Take care untill I hear from you again Say hello to all your family for me. Peace
Galaxy and Laure in Korea

Korean Palace(Changdukgung),

Seoul tower.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Michael has joined us from Switzerland Swiss Germany

Brisbane Centre
I like this pic Michael took, I am feeding the neighbours cat, bird, and fish while they are down South having fun in the snow. One of my favorite places to relax.

Michael exploring Brisbane

Michael Monica and Fabio

Michael at Redcliffe with Monica Fabio and Myself

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My New Students Monica and Fabio From Brazil

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