Gloria and Mick:: Ahhhhhhh what memories I love you guys wow do I
Wow what memories, God Glor, you where my first ever boss and I was only 13 yrs old turned 14 the following day, was the youngest to start in the Govt at that time, I started at the Main Roads Dept. .a lifetime ago and a life of good memories and a wonderful friendship. Man what memeories and fun times we have had in that multitude of years, I know you had a fab time traveling around Australia in that whopping big ute and van, thank God you got back safely the van is like a bloody big semi trailer.
God I wish I had a pic of Mic when you met him, I can still see him the first time I met him, it was so funny, what a classic, you remember. you were worlds apart and I mean world apart you and your micky, but he was your man and I love you both always stay safe my friends.

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