Rossianns' Retreat
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Jennefer hasn't wasted a minute of her time here, she has been out and about getting to see Brisbane.

Jennefer and our new student, Alpy from Switzerland, She is Swiss French and he is Swiss German.

Photos Jennefer took at home here

Brisbane City, China Town, Brisbane River, South Bank,

Brisbane City

I love black and white photos

Having a ball at the coast and the islands, ahhhhhh it looks so inviting

Will you catch the dingo there, watching what is going on.

Jennefer at the Koala Sanctuary of course
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Mikaelas 12th Birthday at Ten Pin Bowling Alley

It was so good to watch them play they are so good, and that is something that I have missed, their enjoyment of bowling.
There is so much to keep up with all of them athletics, dancing, bowling, tennis, soccer, touch football, and basketball, and of course Mikaelas horse riding, man I just get tired thinking of it all, but it is still excellent to catch up with them doing the things that they enjoy.

Happy Birthday my little love, and of course what present did she love the most, one guess the encyclopaedia on Horses of course.
Laures Trip to Moreton Island and Byron Bay

Byron Bay, Laures last trip before she goes back to Switzerland next Saturday

Moreton Island

Going to miss you Laure, 6mths spent here in Brisbane getting to know you, and watching you enjoy your stay with us here, exploring our State has been fun. Have a safe trip home to your family, on the other side of the world.
Moreton Island
Friday, March 24, 2006
Commonwealth Games Melbourne 2006

Medal tally Australia 84 gold, 69 Silver, 68 bronze total 221 medals
Melbourne's fond farewell
MELBOURNE'S Commonwealth Games has come came to a sparkling close with the city labelled "simply the best" by the Games chief Mike Fennell.

Shots of the Day

Friday, March 24, 2006 Australia's Cyclone Larry Much Stronger Than Katrina

Bloomberg) -- Cyclone Larry, the strongest storm to hit Australia in 30 years, smashed into the Queensland coast today with about 40 percent more force than Hurricane Katrina at landfall.
The highest recorded winds for Cyclone Larry, a category 5 storm, were about 180 miles per hour (290 kilometers per hour), compared with 125 mile per hour winds for the Category 3 Katrina when it struck land, said James Vasilj, a spokesman with the National Weather Service in New Orleans.
``If a Category 5 hurricane like Larry hit any populated area of the United States, the damage would be absolutely catastrophic,'' said Frank Lepore, spokesman for the National Hurricane Center in Miami.
``You're talking major wall failure on high-rise buildings. A Category 5 hurricane could lift a 2000-pound car and deposit it on a 4-foot-high wall,'' Lepore said in an interview. ``A 150-160 pound person wouldn't stand a chance.''
More than half the buildings in Innisfail, Queensland, a town of 8,000 people, were damaged by Larry, and about 30 people suffered minor injuries, according to Queensland's Department of Emergency Services.
``It looks like an atomic bomb hit the place,'' Innisfail Mayor Neil Clarke said on Australian television, the Associated Press reported. ``This is more than a local disaster, this is a national disaster.''
Hurricane Katrina caused the evacuation of 1.5 million people, according to the Hurricane Insurance Information Center. More than 1,300 people died and more than $87 billion so far has been earmarked for the rebuilding and recovery efforts.
Hurricane Andrew, which struck Florida in 1992 and caused 23 deaths and $26.5 billion in damage, is the last Category 5 storm to hit the U.S., according to the National Hurricane Center.
Category 5 storms must have winds of at least 155 miles per hour. The storms are known as typhoons in the Pacific Ocean and hurricanes in the Atlantic.

Larry has surely left one hell of a mess

Storm relief effort in chaos
AS residents queued in the rain, the Queensland Government admitted it had misjudged the situation.

It's a war zone, says Cosgrove
FORMER defence chief General Peter Cosgrove has toured areas of north Queensland ruined by Cyclone Larry, likening the destruction to that in war zones.
Slideshow: Innisfail starts long road to recovery
Team: Beattie unveils reconstruction taskforce
Clean-up: Larry relief to cost $100m, says Costello
Gallery: Larry's path
Your photos In-depth ยป
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Laures Visit to an Egyptian Art Show

The story of Keikis, disappointing that Laure could not take anymore photos at the showing, they where not allowed to photograph the items on display.

One of the youngsters graduating in Laures class, he is only 16 yrs old. Laure graduates the Cambridge Course next week Congratulations Laure, I know your results will be great and you absolutely deserve it
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Commonwealth Games Begins, Melbourne 2006

Games open in fine style
THE XVIII Commonwealth Games are officially under way after being declared open by Queen Elizabeth II at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

The night was definitely Australiana in its many varied forms.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
Suelens sisters graduation in Brazille

How are you??
Here is some pictures of my sister graduation.
My mother and my father, Me and my boyfriend, my father and my sister dancing valse and the family together!!
I'm studyng and working with my father, and next week I'll start English again!!!
How is Kim and Laure??? I saw in your blog the new students.
I miss Australia and you!!
- When will you come to Brazil to know my city and Rio de Janeiro??
Thanks Suelen, for the pics looks as if you had an excellent time, say hello to all the family for me and wish them the best. Akiko the little Japanese girl just left this morning, I had to get up at 4am, but then you know how it is in this crazy house, come home from taking Akiko to the bus, and Jenefer is rushing out to Bryon Bay, Laure is doing 3 exams today, has done really well in two so far, then she will be partying well tonight after all exams are finished.
Have a new student coming next weekend he is German will by going to your college with Jenefer. Hopefully I will get over there when things quiten down here, the Lord knows when, you know how much I am waiting to go to Rio De Janeiro. All for now, Love Rossi
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Laures Family have arrived from Switzerland for 2 1/2 weeks holiday

Laure, Simone, Jean, Olivier and Emilien up at Mt Cootha lookout and in the city before going to Cairns

Laure and her family, took me out to a seafood grill for dinner tonight, it was excellent the food was delicious, and the company was excellent, Olivier and Emilien where full of questions about Australia, they are off to Cairns in a couple of days.
I would say they are very excited to see Laure after 5 months.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Akiko Maho and Ayaka cooking dinner Japanese Style

My new student Jennefer has arrived, and is all settled in.
Akiko has one more week with us then she goes down to Sydney for a day and back home to Japan, she has been at one of our High Schools for 3 weeks with a class of students from Japan
Sue, Virginia are the other home stay mothers and Kathleen is Sues daughter

Akiko, Maho and Ayaka cooking up a storm