Ledger another great who died too young

WHEN I recently interviewed the American journalist Lewis Lapham, he asked me a question — why is it that the good American actors nowadays are Australian?
I guessed that maybe it was because we were less sophisticated. Like frontier types, we were closer to our primary feelings and emotions. Around the same time, I interviewed the West Coast Eagles footballer David Wirrpanda, an emerging leader in the Aboriginal community. Heath Ledger, who grew up in Perth, was an Eagles' fan, and an ambassador for the David Wirrpanda Foundation, which seeks to assist indigenous kids.
Wirrpanda, who is friends with the Ledger family, yesterday described the actor as "an easygoing, loveable character".
Wirrpanda said that what particularly interested him about Heath Ledger was his spirituality, the fact that he maintained such private aims for his public achievements.
Wirrpanda's view is consistent with the testimony of those who knew Ledger and have spoken since his death.
He was down to earth, and preserved a sense of his own ordinariness. Whatever else fame did to Heath Ledger, it did not make him ashamed of his origins. He played Ned Kelly as if he meant it. In an interview at the time, he said he had to believe in someone to portray them. The film wasn't great. Ledger alone was seriously worth watching, and what he produced was a portrait of a man driven to make a stand by conditions unique to this country. One tale that emerged had it that the studios directed that Ned be played without a beard. Ledger refused. Any Australian with any feeling for that story will understand why. How would the Americans feel if they were directed to make a film with General George Custer in a business suit?
It was while he was in Australia doing interviews for the Ned Kelly film that Ledger flatly declared his opposition to the Iraq war. The first decade of the 21st century stands to be remembered as a time when many public voices remained silent because they were too timid or too distracted.
Ledger's statements did not amount to a smart career move, but he said his career was unimportant compared with a war fought, as he saw it, for oil.
He later participated in demonstrations against the war.
I had not intended to see Brokeback Mountain. I was in Darwin, and an interview fell through. I went to the pictures and watched an unforgettably compelling portrait of masculinity. The day after Ledger's death, the film critic for The New York Times, A. O. Scott, said Ledger's role as Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain was "more or less equivalent to what Jim Stark in Rebel Without a Cause was for James Dean".
Scott said Ledger possessed "the ability to signal an inner emotional state without overtly showing it (which) is what distinguishes great screen acting from movie-star posing".
Scott went on: "In retrospect, the best thing that happened to him — the lucky break for his admirers, at any rate — may have been his disinclination to realise his movie-star potential." He said Ledger had entered the pantheon alongside James Dean, Montgomery Clift and Marilyn Monroe as stars who produced something magical on screen, and died young. If that is right, Heath Ledger is destined for a certain sort of global immortality.
As Ledger knew, perhaps to his great cost, fame is a sort of madness. It is important under those circumstances, in assessing both the man and the artist, to remember the place, the people and the history from which he came.
Video Ledger's life on camera
Photos Tributes for Heath
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