A message to Cathy and Kevvie
Tony the Michael Jackson Look with the black glove

Darn you know all that fish you ran out of the Airport to give me, because I love it so much Cath, Well let me tell you, I did not get a darn piece of it, not fair I say I got it all prepared and marinated just ready to enjoy and I never got a Bloody piece, just had everyone telling me how beautiful it was hmmmmm deeelicous it was disgusting, Ahhhhhhh well you better bring me some more down and none of the buggers will get any this time, that is for sure.
P.S my audacious son came over today, they all call him Michael Jackson it is hilarious, I tell you, he has to wear a glove now for the next 18 months, and the darn thing is black what a laugh, anyway getting back to the P.S he asked me if I had some more fish for him. Well I can tell you the look I gave him, They had just eaten what they had, and came for more, doesn't matter that Mum didn't get any, noooooooo Mum would give it to him, he was just taking a chance so he says.
And Kevvie you know all those Bowen Mangoes you sent me well same Bloody thing not one I did not get one of them, I dont know this sharing thing, did not work out to well for me this year, did plenty of work never got to enjoy.
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