Monday, September 21, 2009

Rubens trip around Australia before going home to Spain


Blogger Christy said...

Thought it might be best to reword that, but since it went to your email, I'll just delete instead.

5:51 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

Where are you darlin?

I was hoping to see you at the chatroom, but I guess you have something going on. My Lord I don't know how you keep up. Just watching your life from a distance makes me feel tired!

Love you. If you get this check on your chatroom!

3:14 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Hey Hun,
Sorry it has been so long, but things are really out of hand here, Mum is having surgery on Monday and it is really a life and death situation for her, very dangerous for her at her age 95 as I am sure you will understand.

For most of the last 4 months she has been in and out of hospital, mostly in, and the daily visits are very, very exhausting, and it all falls on me because Judy is not very good after her stroke, it is taking a long time for her to recover, it has been eight months now, so it is going very slowly.

She has moved in with me when she is out of the hospital, and that is taking a toll too, on me with her full time , and Tony Georgie and Scarlet, the students, life is one big circus for me at the moment, with no rest at all.

I see what is going on over there with health care and it really disgusts me totally that they can lie so much about other countries health care systems, I thank God every day that I live in Australia and know that my mother will be taken care of, and if by chance it is her time to go with this surgery, then I know she will have had the best and we can do nothing more for her, if she doesn't get it she will die anyway, so it is imperative that she has it. She will go into ICU for probably 48 hrs after because of her age.

Miss chatting with you, how are all the family over there, Mum asks how you are often, I say good, I just don't think she realises what my life is like at the moment, she sees it, but whether it all registers I am not to sure, but that is life at the moment and she is very single minded so I am pretty sure that she will survive this, if it is possible.

Please give everyone my best, and I will get in there when it is possible, Tony and Scarlet are just on their way over to spend the day with Georgie, she did not come this weekend had something to do yesterday, and i am on the way up to the hospital.

Love you and will catch up to you soon.


1:55 PM  
Blogger Christy said...


Take all the time you need... And as I said last night, my prayers are with you.

If you were facing your own mortality, I could probably find something witty and comforting to say,... But... I know youmust be really upset by now with worry.

I will make sure someone is sitting on your chat all day, so if you need us we are here.

If you just can't, tell Tony or one of your students to come update us. I will be here writing most of the day, so, I'll be here.

I Love you girlfriend, I am praying for you, and I will keep that candle going all day.

Come find us after. Rest instead if you get a chance, we will wait till whenever you feel up to it.

Tell your mum, I am thinking of her and I said Fight like Hell and never give up! And then give her a hug from all the way around the world for me.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

Ummmm. What happened?

Still sitting in your chat waiting for an update.

Still sending good vibes.

Let us know as soon as you can.

We love you.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:07 PM  

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