Total devastation, I lost my big boy yesterday, I had to get the vet to put him to sleep.

Your home with us all, again my Big Boy, resting in one of the places that you loved.
I've read at your page that simba is gone. Im really so sorry about it! he was such a good boy. I liked him a lot and I will never forget him! How he ate my food and was sitting in the kitchen when i got up. such a lovely friend! But It was the right decision to let him go. I think he would say thanks to you if he could. Unfortunately I haven't really good pics from our australien meeting in switzerland. alex couldn't come to the meeting, but we had still a lot of fun this night. soon it will snow in switzerland (unfortunately for me :() then I will take a few good pix and send it to you. allright? so have a good time and take care.
love eva
I am so sorry Rossi.
Are you ok?
So sorry for your loss, Rossi.
He'll always be with you.
~Carol from the DCP
Hey Cristy, Carol, thanks for your so kind thoughts, they are appreciated. Lousy Lousy week all round poor baby he was so sick, but just kept on hanging on, every time I looked at him he would just wag his tail at me, he could not even stand up, and I would cry all the more, so hard to give him that needle, but the choice was not to see him suffering like that.
Anyway I will be getting his ashes tomorrow, and I will put them out in his favorite area, and I know that he will always be here with us.
Love Rossi
It is terrible to watch something so sweet and good suffer.
You did the right thing Rossi. I am so sorry.
I love you. I wish I could give you a big hug!
You have, now I just have to not expect him to hit on the screen door with his big paw, so he could just come and sit with me at the computor, like he did all the time, God I miss that.
And there is no one here now to eat all the left overs, God he loved to eat people food, would not even look at animal food.
Love and Hugs for you to, Say hello to all the family over there for me.
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