Sunday, August 03, 2008

Mariann and Marcio getting to know Brisbane

Party with friends from college

Mariann with her niece Sophia and our Scarlett.

Mariann and Family Brazilian Restraunt

Mariann and Marcio in Chile


Blogger Christy said...

Funny, I never pictured or imagined Chile as a cold place.

Looks downright chilly there.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Sure as hell does, doesn't it

5:52 PM  
Blogger Christy said...


8:58 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Can you hook my kids up with some of those hats?

Seriously, my kids LOVE sombreros.

My kids love all things latino/native American.

I love my kids. Great kids!

Can I get two hats? I will pay for them, or I will trade a painting.

NOT NEFERTITI. But I am otherwise influencable.


They like pinks and reds.

2:22 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Hey, that is COOL!

I could just start swapping art all around the world!

Hey Mister! Can I have your hat? In exchange I'll paint something pretty for you??


Worth more than the damn dollar these days. So sad, but I could trade up for some really neat stuff!

I love the global age!

2:27 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Is everything ok there darlin?

Um abraço para você Mi Amore.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Yep everything okay, just so darn crazy here at the moment.
They are great sombreros arn't they, if I could get them here I would send them over to you.

Hugs for everyone over there from Down Under.

8:40 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Well, the thing is, I can get sombreros here. Cheap ones too.

But, I thought it would be neat for my girls to get a shipmment from Brazil or Australia. Even if it is the same exact cheap ones I get here, if it comes from Brazil then it must be a REAL sombrero!

You know how I am about culture. I will use anything as an excuse to start a cultural exchange!

I was thinking though, when I saw 'family resturaunt' they probably pass those out to their customers, you know, like a party favor, so they may have a few laying around.

Anyways, just an idea I was playing with. But, the thing about trading up art, I kinda like that idea.

I never really thought about 'trading' it before. I don't really NEED any 'stuff', but I am a child of empire, so I might need some 'stuff', you know, just to have!


8:19 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

I tell my mom all the time, 'Quit buying all this useless STUFF and bringing it to my house!'

Where am I suppossed to put it? she never bothers to answer.

And look, now here I am trying to score sombreros from Brazil!

I have wayyy too much STUFF. My life used to be so simple.

Clothes, food, furniture, art. Period. Not even a tv.

Now I have tvs, and dvd players and bongo drums and dish sets and neck massagers and baseball card collections, printers, dog houses, ect. ect.....

I miss the uncomplicated life.

So, if you don't get the sombreros, trust me, it is ok.

8:26 AM  

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