Its Good Bye to Fabi and JunZan, they are off home, Fabi to Switzerland and Junzan to China.
Vanessa is off to Cairns Sydney and Melbourne, and then home to Switzerland, I will be on my own for a couple of weeks. Imagine splurging by myself for a couple of weeks will be nice, but strange not having the girls with me, just me and my baby for a couple of weeks.
Junzan will be back in a month to do her course to get into University here, so she will be with me for another year or so.

Vanessa off to do a bit of sightseeing in Australia, before heading back to Switzerand in a couple of weeks
Junzan going home to spend her 18th birthday with her Mum and Dad, Have a ball Kiddo with your Family and friends while you are home, I'm figuring James will be fleeing Sydney and coming to Brisbane in the near future to finish his studies here, what's your bet.

Vanessa goes home to her horse, dog and boyfriend, Hmmmm, I wonder if they are in that order, Hahahhah
I am going to miss you girls
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