Saturday, July 02, 2005

My retreat within my retreat

Wow I love my Gardens, used to spend so much of my time there, untill christy came along into my life helta scelta, so much to do now. and no time to do it, with two sites going. RebelleNation is so much a part of me, the political side of me, the anger at what is being done in my name, strange isn't it to become so political at this time in my life, but Rebelle is a place to store all the information that we have found about the real war in Iraq and Afganistan, to understand that such wanton cruelty and killing of women and children, the killing of whole families, over there, and in Christys country, and the coalition Countries, the heartbreak for all the families of the dead and injured the loss of a partner, a mother, a father, and most of all a child, oh God a child, I do not think that I could comprehend that kind of grief, God watch over them all so, so many for what, I just hope that these politicians all of them that led us into this illegal war, never have another moments peace in their lifetime, but then I really think that they could care less for all the suffering that they have caused, they so flippantly sent other peoples families to die and be injured , but mind you, never their own families to do the dying, these hypocrits who sprout the church and gospel at every chance they get do not even know the meaning of the word christian and faith, no one who could wantonly cause so much death and destruction could ever be a person of christianity and faith never, and it so stressing to think that this is the World Community, that we are living in today, this is the world that we are rearing our children, and grandchildren in to day, where someone person, can so wantonly send them to their death or be maimed for life with the stroke of a pen, May god forgive you all,for your lies and deciet, and know you will never take any of mine, of that I will assure you, not in my lifetime, go take your own families, to do you dirty, dirty work of killing innocents, not mine never mine.

Ah My retreat a present from christy, I remember what I told her the day she told me she had something for me a site, a personel site, and me saying no Christy, I am at home with Rebelle, I dont need another site, but she knew me well, this is a place to do anything you want with, your own retreat, and it is a retreat that I have come to so enjoy, putting my thoughts down, letting myself be me at home with my thoughts where ever they take me down whatever road, away from the sadness,of what is happening to our world outside of my retreat, recording the sadness and loss of those we have loved so dearly, the happy times that we sometimes so easily forget and should never, life passes us by to easily and you never know what tomorrow will bring to your life, and I always hope that I will never live with regrets, I do not ever want to live with regrets of things that should have been done, and where never done, and then it is to late. the one thing that I always tell my kids please dont ever live with regrets, do what is right to do today with your family, and your friends, be there for them, dont put it off and then it will be to late, I will never in my lifetime I hope live with regret and I never want the ones that I love to live with any either.

Now my Garden hmmmmm my retreat, strange you plant and you enjoy and I think do not really think about the pleasure that it can give you, oh you do at some level, but you are rushing off to work, and rushing off to kids and grandkids events her and there, and never have the time to spare to think about the simple things around you that are so important to your well being, when I was so sick, so very sick I never got out into my yard for 3 years three long years, that is so hard for me to believe, I had this nice yard that I had pottered around in and I think that I did enjoy it, but it was there and that was that, and there were so many other things to keep you occupied, but when I was finally able to get outside, finally had the strength without stumbling, in a puff of wind I had gone down to under, well we wont go there, anyways I went outside and everything was dead well mostly except some palms and the big trees, the leopards and the jacarandas, it was such a shock I sat down and cried and cried and still cried some more, I had not realised how important they where to me not really, I knew they where there and had not given it a thought that they might not be there for me when I needed them to brighten up my life and give me a peaceful retreat away from the world, a time to catch up and recover, so day by day very faltering steps, I began to build it up again, I built my gardens up as my retreat and they built me up a little day, by day, by day turning into weeks and months until it was done my retreat was finished and I had built myself up again to being functionable, and handleing the outside world again by myself, without the pressure for my family being there so much of their time with families of there own. Now my retreat is everything to me for my well being, for my pleasureto just sit and enjoy, to have the whole family over, my family, Mum, brothers family, sisters family God the whole darn family all the rellies that is so important to me, and friends to enjoy our time together while we have it, and never to miss opportunities to be together and laugh, and have fun while we have got the time to share it all together, just in case there is not a tomorrow for any of us.


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