It is so strange the twists and turns life takes, I remember watching from my bed, I was really ill at that time in my life, the 2000 election was on in America, funny isnt it I had been to America 2 times travelled extensively and enjoyed the trips, but oh so happy to be home but I watched glued to the cable news that election and the farce it was to become not believing that such a thing could happen, how nieve can you be at my age, I remember so clearly when the so called supreme court handed bush a victory on a platter, this illiterate, boozing, drug taking, failure of a man whose Father had to pull him out of all the enterprises he had ever put his hand to, and now he was Leader of the Free World this moron.
I watched his first meeting with Sharon in America, when he thumbed his nose at Palistine, and I said to my mother we will be at war before his term it up. God do I hate that man with a passion, so strange for me to say a thing like that, because losing my Tony so young and fighting so hard myself for life it shocks me to think that I could ever say such a thing, but there it is I think Bush and his Administration are pure evil, and I watched an waited for this man to be beaten next election.
But then the planes hit the Trade Centre, I was watching at that time also, saw it all, and sat in stunned silence trying to get my girlfriend to let her know what had happened because her youngest son was living two blocks from where the planes hit. Wondering where this so called president was, five days later, and still no sight of him in New York, amazing Clinton was here in Port Douglas all planes had stopped flying and he still made it to New York before that no balls bush.
Next thing we were bombing Afganistan of the face of the earth, killing innocent women children doesnt matter that 15 of the hyjackers were from Saudi Arabia, ahhhhh no, they were bush family friends, we wiped out a country, and let Osama walk free, good one no balls You were a big man you had a massive army at you disposal and you or yours did not have to go fight the war and die you had plenty of other peoples sons and daughters to do the dying.
So getting back to the story, I am thinking are all Americans like this loser, and I went searching the net with my little bit of knowledge of the computor, and found, joining up I later found the John Kerry for President site after watching the illimination of all the other nominees, I joined JKs blogsite and for two year prayed and hoped with many other people that I met on the site that we could defeat this murderous dictator and his thugs, but to no avail, I dont ever want to think about what happened on Nov 2nd, never again but friendships were born out of such sadness, for me one was Christy out of her sadness and anger a site was born, one day as we chatted she ask me if I would join her at ReBelleNation, I have found a place with christy to search out the truth, of this war and to feel at home, keeping a diary of my feelings and what has come to pass in these perilous times.
Christy and ReBelleNation have really become a intrical part of my life since meeting on the net in the DCP chat room of the political site
I woke up on the morning of September 11th 2001 and turned on Fox news as soon as I woke up. Thier morning show was on. I watched thier program and was cleaning up my house. At the very end of the program all three hosts were cracking up, i had sat down to watch. I will never forget they made a joke about getting high before work. Then the woman. ED suddenly leaned forward with her finger in her ear. She said wait im getting word an airplane has just struck the WTC. All of them looked at each other then they started discussing the same thing i was thinking. In 1978 a little plane struck the WTC, the pilot was killed. They said we are getting live feed in just a moment. Then the woman leaned forward again and said Wait. Im getting word it was a 737.
At that moment, my mind went..somewhere. I started thinking My God a 737 thats a HUGE plane..In my mind I swear I swear I had already decided it must have been a CARGO plane. It never occurred to me that what I was about to see was even possible.
Then the pictures came on the screen.
That hole in that building. I swear I felt it in my soul. I knew I was watching tragedy unfold. At that point it still never occurred to me we were under attack.
I tried calling my mom. I couldnt get through. My man was on an oil rig in godknowswhere Texas. I was all alone with my babies. I got through to my step mom. We were both watching Fox news. We were both crying. I remember telling her that 50,000 people were supposed to be in those buildings about that time. She said yeah but Christy its only just now 8 am. I told her no Shirley, in NYC it is 9 am. She just broke down. I was trying not too. I just watched. Then on live TV right before my eyes a huge plane came from nowhere and EXPLODED through the second tower. What happened next I can only explain as shock.
I was holding the phone to my ear real tight when the second plane swooped and crashed into the second tower.
My stepmom screamed out. Screamed like she was being beaten. I had to drop the phone away from my ear. Im not even sure how we got disconnected, I think she told me she would call me back. I hung it up and just stared at what my mind told me was not real. It WAS NOT real to me. I got up and went to my kitchen and very very calmly made myself a glass of Dr. Pepper. I leaned against my counter and went to take a drink.
You know how you fix your eyes down into your glass as you bring it up to drink? As i pulled my glass to my lips i realized i was crying.Not bawling or sobbing just hot tears coming from nowhere rapidly. I honestlly remember thinking i did knbow know why i was crying and i tried taking my drink but my throat had completely locked up. It was that moment that i realized what i had just seen. I dropped my glass on the floor. i simply couldnt hold it. I turned around and started vomiting violently.
The first fear hit me then. I was so afraid to go back into my livingroom. I knew i would see what i did not want to know. After a minute i knew i had to walk back in and see. I still could not make myself believe it. I did walk back in. As soon as i saw it again i knew something wicked had come to my nation. I panicked and ran out the door. I ran to my moms house and beat on her door. I did not know she was not there. I collapsed at her door and cried like a baby. After a good few minutes i went back upstairs with my babies. My step mother called me again. When we were on the phone together we were both watching as our beloved countrymen started jumping from 110 floor us. Again she screamed and screamed i just sat there.
We watched as Ny City, and DC burned.
We watched our innocent countrymen jump to thier deaths,We sat and listened as another plane was downed in Shanksville.(Flight 93)
We watched as bush addressed the school children.
At some point later i went outside. When i think of 911 i always remember that time when i went back out. The entire earth had went silent. There were no cars moving anywhere. There were no people out, doing thier daily things. All of the world had stopped it seemed and even the birds in the trees were dead silent.The eerie silence of the bayous that morning is branded into my mind. I have never heard the birds go silent in the middle of the day. Never once.
I think I was praying, maybe i was cursing God. I dont know. I was looking up in the sky and i was trying to breathe right. It was such a beautiful day all across the nation. And at the exact spot i was watching A huge airplane dropped from the quiet sky on approach to Barksdale AFB. It took me a long moment to realize it was Air Force One. To say i was shocked is an understatement.
I watched it go down for landing as far as I could watch it. I even walked back in to comfirm that it was not a dream, that NYC and DC were NOT in flames. I had to confirm it was a dream because i could not understand how i had just watched the presidents plane land in LOUISIANA even as the towers were collapsing into rubble.
I did not have a computer then, it took me another year before i reached out. It was only then i found out that that landing at BAFB did not just disturb ONLY me. Since then i have learned more than enough to know WE were betrayed by our own.
I still dream of those people jumping. In some dreams I am falling with them. They always ask me even as they fall WHY? WHY? WHY?..i can not answer them, i cannot break thier fall. I cant even explain it to myself. So in my dreams i too fall, not knowing why.
I do not know why im rambling and writing all this down on your site. I have never wrote it all down before.The part about me getting ill at my sink, ive never told anyone else about that. I dont know why.
But why has become my lifes mission. I will never accept that it was because osama just 'hates our freedom' I will never accept they died because they HAD to die. My 5 kids already know what I believe and i have told my older ones too, NEVER stop looking. NEVER stop asking WHY. Other than pick up arms against my own countrymen, i dont know whatelse i can do.
The one thing i do know is they will NEVER lie to me again and me just give them the benefit of the doubt. They will not just be able to lie to my children either.
I dont know how all of this will work out, but i know it will come to light what happened that morning. And when it does we will have to hang our own. We will HAVE too but it will not bring not one of three thousand innocent souls back. It will NEVER make it right.
And now you have a full account of how one American in particular faced that morning.
I do not think i can ever face another day like that again. But if a day like that does come again I know i will personally go to DC to take the head of those who profited the most from it.
I love you girlfriend, and it right for you to come here and tell me you innermost thoughts,that is what friends are for,to be there for one another, when they are needed, and this was the time. You know Christy we here in Australia were as glued to the cable as everyone over there for weeks and weeks trying to take it all in, the loss, the unbearable loss for so many families of their own precious loved ones, the enormity of what had taken place in a Country we called friend, and a Country I had travelled to and explored, and had so much fun with my kids and Mum.
I too never had my computor at that time, but this tragedy, was with us everywhere, everywhere people where talking and shaking their heads in disbelief, the world was with you all,in one of your greatest times of need Christy it realy was, I think untill, the Moron changed the feelings of the world, quite literally.
I will aways remember the picture of that creature standing there with all the firemen, and death and carnage all around, and parading on as your president, and feeling literally sick to my stomach I really wanted to puke is was such a disgusting scene this moron who took 6 odd days to get to that scene of carnage, when he should have been there for his people, pronto if he had any balls or feeling for his countrymen at all in this time of loss.
But he used those feelings, of the world community, except the people who understood what type of man he was and his administration were, he led them into a war, they could not have manovered, or put into place any better, a better scenario for him to go to war, if he had wanted it.
But I think we will survive this evil, you and I but we will survive it with understanding and knowing the facts, the truth or as much truth as we can find out, we will not bury our heads in the sand, and take what these lying, evil people tell us as Gospel I include all the cable news there, we will go looking for the facts, try to understand the facts that have bought us to this place in our history.
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